Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic is a healthcare discipline that emphasizes the inherent recuperative power of the body to heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery. The practice of chiropractic focuses on the relationship between structure and function (as coordinated by the nervous system) and how that relationship affects the preservation and restoration of health and optimal function. In addition, doctors of chiropractic recognize the value and responsibility of working in cooperation with other health care practitioners when in the best interest of the patient.
Taping is the process of applying tape directly to the skin, to maintain a stable position of bones and muscles during activity. Taping is typically used to help recover, offload, or support an injured or painful region.
Dynamic Taping
What it is: Dynamic tape is an innovative, high-quality, latex-free, 4-way stretching tape designed to absorb load and re-inject that energy back into movement.
When to use it: 1. Immediately after an injury to protect it from further damage, 2. To provide slightly more support to a joint at the end stage of rehabilitation, and 3. to help protect a joint, usually a lax joint, from a new injury (prophylactic strapping).
When to use it: 1. Immediately after an injury to protect it from further damage, 2. To provide slightly more support to a joint at the end stage of rehabilitation, and 3. to help protect a joint, usually a lax joint, from a new injury (prophylactic strapping).
Kinesio Taping
Rigid Taping

Instrument assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)
What is it: IASTM aka “Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization,” is a manual therapy approach to musculoskeletal injuries using specifically designed tools. The tools were designed to assist in effective treatment of adhesions and scarring brought on by surgeries, injuries, and overuse of muscles.
When to use IASTM: Anyone with soft-tissue pain, injuries or conditions can benefit from IASTM. These often include athletes, warehouse workers or others who perform a repeated motion many times per day.
When to use IASTM: Anyone with soft-tissue pain, injuries or conditions can benefit from IASTM. These often include athletes, warehouse workers or others who perform a repeated motion many times per day.
Muscle Activation
What is it: Muscle activation techniques is a hands-on manual therapy that allows the practitioner to assess and correct muscle imbalances that contribute to pain and loss of motion. Due to diet, stress, overload, repetitive patterns, and injury, our bodies compensate and create muscle imbalances to protect the joints.
When to use Muscle Activation: Loss of muscle contraction results in a decreased range of motion, and therefore decreased physical performance. Range of motion testing can indicate which muscles have decreased contractibility, and precise forces are applied to restore that muscle’s efficiency to restore function and strengthen weak muscles.
When to use Muscle Activation: Loss of muscle contraction results in a decreased range of motion, and therefore decreased physical performance. Range of motion testing can indicate which muscles have decreased contractibility, and precise forces are applied to restore that muscle’s efficiency to restore function and strengthen weak muscles.

Dry Needling
What is it: Dry needling is a technique Chiropractors use to treat myofascial pain. The technique uses a “dry” needle, one without medication or injection, inserted through the skin into areas of the muscle, known as trigger points, to increase the blood flow to the affected area for healing purposes through micro trauma caused by the needle.
When to use dry needling: Dry needling is used to increase range of motion that may be limited due to muscle tightness or scar tissue. Dry needling has proven beneficial in treating many medical conditions, including: Back or neck pain, tennis elbow, headaches and migraines, joint problems, myofascial pain, pelvic pain, plantar fasciitis, shin splints.
When to use dry needling: Dry needling is used to increase range of motion that may be limited due to muscle tightness or scar tissue. Dry needling has proven beneficial in treating many medical conditions, including: Back or neck pain, tennis elbow, headaches and migraines, joint problems, myofascial pain, pelvic pain, plantar fasciitis, shin splints.
Shockwave Therapy
What is it: Focused and Radial pulse shock wave therapy is a non-invasive method that uses pressure waves to treat various musculoskeletal conditions. High-energy acoustic waves (shock waves) deliver a mechanical force to the body’s tissues.
When to use it: Shock wave therapy may treat conditions such as degenerated tendons (Achilless tendinopathy), heel pain (plantar fasciitis) and tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), Jumpers Knee (patellar tendinopathy). Shockwave therapy also works well with muscle recovery, trigger points and muscle tears up to grade II. It facilitates the healing response by increasing the growth factor and blood flow to the areas of treatment.
When to use it: Shock wave therapy may treat conditions such as degenerated tendons (Achilless tendinopathy), heel pain (plantar fasciitis) and tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), Jumpers Knee (patellar tendinopathy). Shockwave therapy also works well with muscle recovery, trigger points and muscle tears up to grade II. It facilitates the healing response by increasing the growth factor and blood flow to the areas of treatment.

What is it: Electrotherapy is the treatment of disease by means of the application of electric currents to specific parts of the body.
When to use it: Electrotherapy is used for relaxation of muscle spasms, prevention and delay of disuse atrophy, increase of local blood circulation, muscle rehabilitation and re-education electrical muscle stimulation, maintaining and increasing range of motion, management of chronic and intractable pain, post-traumatic acute.
When to use it: Electrotherapy is used for relaxation of muscle spasms, prevention and delay of disuse atrophy, increase of local blood circulation, muscle rehabilitation and re-education electrical muscle stimulation, maintaining and increasing range of motion, management of chronic and intractable pain, post-traumatic acute.
What is it: Cupping therapy may seem like a trendy, new-age type of treatment, it actually dates back to ancient Eqyptian, Chinese, and Middle Eastern cultures. Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine, which involves placing specialized suction cups to increase blood flow in specific areas. The cups are placed onto certain parts of the body for a few minutes at a time and use heat and different degrees while the suctioning is taking place. The cups can be placed on your back, stomach, arm, legs, and other parts of the body.
When to use it: Cupping can help with a wide range of symptoms, including pain, inflammation, lymphatic drainage, easing adhesions, and more. Additionally, cupping acts as a specialized deep-tissue massage that is heat activated.
When to use it: Cupping can help with a wide range of symptoms, including pain, inflammation, lymphatic drainage, easing adhesions, and more. Additionally, cupping acts as a specialized deep-tissue massage that is heat activated.